UTAU CVVC English Lite-List

4 min read

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PanTran's avatar
So I've developed a new, super easy English reclist for you all to enjoy! With only about 170 samples, This includes the basic CVVC, no sugar, no spice! You should be able to make some good English with all these sound at your disposal, and without all the work! (Relatively speaking...)

Pronunciation Info:
  •        The lowercase vowels are pronounced as short-vowel-sounds. And the uppercase vowels are pronounced as long-vowel-sounds.
  •         "a" is pronounced "shat" and "A" is pronounced "gay"
  •        "e" is pronounced "sexy" and "E" is pronounced "penis"
  •         "i" is pronounced "nips" and "I" is pronounced "pride"
  •        "o" is pronounced "poop" and "O" is pronounced "Ovaries"
  •        "u" is pronounced "hump" and there is no "U" because it sounds too similar to "o"

So theres a special way you should save, and alias these sounds:
            Step one:  Save the sounds in pairs (uppercase + lowercase in the same file) becuase it thinks that "da" and "dA" are the same file
          Step two:  In the UTAU oto window, duplicate each sound (Except "u")
          Step three:  Alias one of the duplicates as the lower-case, and the other as the uppercase (Eg. "da" and "dA")
          Step four:  When otoing one, make sure to cut off the other, as they are saved together (when otoing "da", drag the cutoff over "dA")

Hope you enjoy my reclist! Be sure to tell me if you made any UTAUs with it! I would LOVE to hear them! <3


a, A, ba, bA, cha, chA, da, dA, fa, fA, ga, gA, ha, hA, ja, jA, ka, kA, la, lA, ma, mA, na, nA, pa, pA, ra, rA, sa, sA, sha, shA, ta, tA, tha, thA, va, vA, wa, wA, ya, yA, za, zA,
e, E, be, bE, che, chE, de, dE, fe, fE, ge, gE, he, hE, je, jE, ke, kE, le, lE, me, mE, ne, nE, pe, pE, re, rE, se, sE, she, shE, te, tE, the, thE, ve, vE, we, wE, ye, yE, ze, zE

i, I, bi, bI, chi, chI, di, dI, fi, fI, gi, gI, hi, hI, ji, jI, ki, kI, li, lI, mi, mI, ni, nI, pi, pI, ri, rI, si, sI, shi, shI, ti, tI, thi, thI, vi, vI, wi, wI, yi, yI, zi, zI

o, O, bo, bO, cho, chO, do, dO, fo, fO, go, gO, ho, hO, jo, jO, ko, kO, lo, lO, mo, mO, no, nO, po, pO, ro, rO, so, sO, sho, shO, to, tO, tho, thO, vo, vO, wo, wO, yo, yO, zo, zO

u, chu, du, fu, gu, hu, ju, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, su, shu, tu, thu, vu, wu, yu, zu


ab, Ab, ach, Ach, ad, Ad, af, Af, ag, Ag, aj, Aj, ak, Ak, al, Al, am, Am, an, An, ap, Ap, ar, Ar, as, As, ash, Ash, at, At, ath, Ath, av, Av, az, Az

eb, Eb, ech, Ech, ed, Ed, ef, Ef, eg, Eg, ej, Ej, ek, Ek, el, El, em, Em, en, En, ep, Ep, er, Er, es, Es, esh, Esh, et, Et, eth, Eth, ev, Ev, ez, Ez

ib, Ib, ich, Ich, id, Id, if, If, ig, Ig, ij, Ij, ik, Ik, il, Il, im, Im, in, In, ip, Ip, ir, Ir, is, Is, ish, Ish, it, It, ith, Ith, iv, Iv, iz, Iz

ob, Ob, och, Och, od, Od, of, Of, og, Og, oj, Oj, ok, Ok, ol, Ol, om, Om, on, On, op, Op, or, Or, os, Os, osh, Osh, ot, Ot, oth, Oth, ov, Ov, oz, Oz

ub, uch, ud, uf, ug, uj, uk, ul, um, un, up, ur, us, ush, ut, uth, uv, uz

Extra Sounds:

ing, s, m, l, n, b, d, k, f
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robynhill's avatar
Currently using this for my own UTAU ^^
I'll try to get a link once i'm done '3'